Join us for the Third Annual Historic Magnolia Cemetery Tour.
Thursday, October 19th, 4:00 – 6:00
Saturday, October 21nd, 10:00 – 2:00
The purpose of this tour is to promote the rich history of our area through the lived experiences of our past residents. There are many stories, mostly forgotten over time, that we feel need to be told and remembered. We hope you will enjoy this opportunity to look back on our SETX history and will share some of the stories about the people you will learn about on the tour.
On Wednesday, February 12, I attended the Cemetery Preservation Workshop and African American History Harvest, where I enjoyed the presentations by Carlyn Copeland Hammons, Jenny McWilliams, and Alan Garcia from the Texas Historical Commission. I also want to give a shout-out to the Jefferson County Historical Commission (JCHC) and the Tyrrell Historical Library for organizing this event and making it free to the public.
I loved seeing a few friends and fellow historical researchers that I hadn’t seen in a while. This was a plus, especially during the cemetery inventory talk, which took place after lunch. During this talk, we had some questions answered, and we received a couple of new assignments that I need to research. One topic that was discussed was multiple headstones, or headstones that were thrown away because the family bought a new one. This is definitely a thing. Every year, the JCHC gets a few calls asking whether there is a grave on properties in the county. Ninety percent of the time, the headstone was discarded from a cemetery because the family bought a new one. An attendee also brought up the subject of Anthony Cemetery. It seems that there are some headstones in a wooded area off Gill Street, which I need to investigate. If you have any information on Anthony Cemetery that you would like to share, please email me at
It rained while we did the walk-through at Pear Orchard Cemetery, but all in all, I think the event was a success! Hopefully, we can have a practical workshop at the cemetery to teach how to repair a headstone.
Finally, I want to give a shout-out to Chuck’s Sandwich Shop at 493 Pearl St. in downtown Beaumont. A friend recommended this place for lunch, and I WILL BE BACK! Support local businesses, especially if they are as excellent as Chuck’s Sandwich Shop!
Last weekend, a colleague brought to my attention a possible abandoned cemetery about 300 yards from Sarah Jane Bridge in Groves. He was told by someone that when they camped in the woods years ago, there were a couple of vaults near the waterline of the swamp in the area. This was before Jefferson Chemical (now Indorama) purchased the land in question. My colleague was also told that the vaults may now be under water. To be continued.
Also, last Saturday, I was out of town attending a wedding in Crosby. The venue was beautiful and surrounded by cows. Everything was perfect (except for the rain). The only thing I would suggest is knowing your clients. Play the right music when no one is dancing, and you keep edging them on. Both sides of the family were pro-Los Tucanes de Tijuana and didn’t want to listen to “Brown Eyed Girl”—I digress. “La Chona” it is!
Sunday was a good day for digging into my Florence Stratton files for someone who is writing an article on her for their newsletter. Once it’s out, I’ll share the link. On Monday, I was the Uber driver for some members of our family who took a cruise; I brought them to George Bush Intercontinental Airport. Of course, I gave them lots of information on Galveston’s history. I’m not Kathleen Maca, but after 14 years of visiting and volunteering there, I can pretty much fake it. And yes, I did drive through Old City Cemetery. I also want to give a shout-out to our lunch stop, Taco Mezquite at 422 Aldine Bender Road in Houston. Five stars!
When I began my research on Florence Stratton, a.k.a. Susie Spindletop, in 2012, I knew nothing about her. After more than 12 years, you’d think that I’m an expert on the subject. I would say yes and no. Every time I look into something, I find more information to file. This doesn’t include all of Florence’s family members and friends, who are relevant to telling her story. It’s a massive undertaking. My research on her is ongoing. I will keep the lines open for more info about her to come in. Her story will be told. Also, when I find an error in my research, I change what I’ve said. Unfortunately, some errors come from past information found by other researchers, but some are my fault. We’ll deal with two of my mistakes first.
On Wednesday, I was still trying to understand why Florence had taught at Miss Anne’s Private School around 1903. I found this detail in one of her obituaries from The Beaumont Enterprise, which was published on January 29, 1938. My copy from the relevant microfilm is mostly illegible. I visited the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center in Liberty to get a scanned copy of the obituary, and the one I got is better than my microfilm copy, but it’s not perfect. I also checked the Beaumont directories from 1903 and 1904, and there was no Miss Anne’s Private School. Basically, what happened was that I misread the obit—I thought it said “Miss Anne’s Private School” when it was actually “Miss Austin’s Private School.” This changes everything because we know that Florence also taught at Bell Austin’s Private School around that time. So, I can say for sure that Miss Anne’s was, in fact, Bell Austin’s.
My second mistake is not due to an error of mine but to the possible misnaming of a high school or a nickname used for it. In a few places, it is stated that Florence taught English at Central High School, but as we all know, this school did not exist in 1904. In an article from The Beaumont Enterprise dated September 2, 1903, we learn that Florence taught Grade 6 in North End (at the Millard School). Another article, dated September 19, 1904, states that Florence was teaching grammar at the high school. This article also mentions teachers from the other four Beaumont schools, the two in North End (one for Whites and one for Blacks both part of the Millard School) and the two in South End (one for Whites and one for Blacks). I’m 90 percent certain that Central High School was Beaumont High, but you never know what will suddenly appear and prove you wrong.
Well, I believe that the battleship Texas has found a home. It appears that BB-35 will be moored at Pier 15 near the Royal Caribbean International Terminal. I’ll leave it to the followers of the Battleship Texas Foundation’s Facebook page to decide whether this is a good or bad site because I have a life—I don’t have time for this jibber-jabber.
Until next time, my forecast has no cows, weddings, or family taxi services this weekend. “La Chona” it is!
On Wednesday 12, the Jefferson County Historical Commission and the Texas Historical Commission will hold a Cemetery Preservation Workshop and African American History Harvest. The event is free to the public, but you must sign up at the following link:
Cemetery Preservation Workshop and African American History Harvest
Join the Jefferson County Historical Commission in downtown Beaumont for a daylong learning event and history harvest, where the public is invited to bring their family photos, letters, and other precious items of family history. Staff at the Tyrrell Historical Library will be on-site to help scan this material and provide families with free digital copies of it for their archives. Example items for the African American history harvest include the following:
Early family photographs
Funeral programs and newspaper obituaries
Church anniversary booklets/programs
Yearbooks and photos of all-Black schools
Old maps and deeds regarding freedom colonies
Members of the Texas Historical Commission’s Cemetery Preservation Program will be on-site presenting on best practices of cemetery preservation and hosting an interactive cemetery mapping station for Jefferson County and the surrounding communities. Help us map the location of missing historic African American cemeteries for the Texas Historic Sites Atlas! We’ll end the afternoon with a special tour of Pear Orchard Cemetery, one of South Beaumont’s historic African American cemeteries that was recently designated a Historic Texas Cemetery. Contact the Jefferson County Historical Commission to RSVP or sign up via Eventbrite.
10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.: presentation by the Texas Historical Commission Cemetery Division
12:00–1:00 p.m.: break for dutch treat lunch in downtown restaurants
1:00–3:00 p.m.: history harvest, cemetery mapping, or scanning documents and photos
3:30–5:00 p.m.: visit to Pear Orchard Cemetery for on-site presentation
I guess you could say that this is also part of the Cemetery Inventory Project I discussed last year. If you have information on a local cemetery, the Texas Historical Commission wants to put it in their database. Also, the commission will not be making a practical presentation on how to fix headstones. That may be scheduled for later in the year. Stay tuned!
Overall, this is a good educational experience for someone who would like to know the what, where, and how of cemetery preservation and historical research. It is also a good starting point for those wishing to learn how cultures differ when it comes to cemetery etiquette. Watching a couple of YouTube videos and reading a blog post or two doesn’t make you an authority on how to clean and rearrange things in a cemetery. You need to respect those who came before you; they have a process to do things.
I hope to see you at the event. If you have any questions about this workshop or cemeteries in general, you can contact me at
I hope everyone survived the “Snow Cone of Uncertainty” this week. I saw that Doomsayer, Jim Cantore from The Weather Channel, was in Houston. I guess he’s slipping because nothing says #Armageddon ice and tragedy like Interstate 10, especially East Bound through Louisiana, but gumbo fixes all bad weather. I think all of I-10 was closed from Lake Charles to the Mississippi border. Of course, Houston gave him a show, and Beaumont was no better Tuesday evening.
We fared well Under the Oakes on Ye Olde Block Farm. I believe the count is around three inches of snow near the street but around eight inches around my trailer, my work truck, and between the garages and fences. Apparently, snow drift loves my trailer and the back of my trucks.
While I was at Magnolia Cemetery this week, the name C. C. Caswell, along with a few other ex-mayors of Beaumont, came up in conversation. Christopher Columbus “C. C.” Caswell was mayor of Beaumont from April 1882 to August 1883. I found a separate story connected to him in 2012 while working for Oiltanking on Amoco Road. Someone had pointed out a grave in a field about 100 yards from Highway 347. Of course, this got my attention! It turns out the grave belonged to Elisha Brewer.
Elisha Brewer was the grandson of Christian Hillebrandt, a cattle baron, after whom Hillebrandt Bayou was named. His wife Mary was the granddaughter of John Sparks, the first settler and founder of the Sparks settlement (Aurora), which was the precursor to the city of Port Arthur.
It is unclear why Elisha O. Brewer had been buried in what would have been his backyard. I’ve heard several theories, but most likely, the decision was made out of convenience for the family. Whatever the reason, we can assume from the words on his gravestone that he was deeply missed:
Since thou canst no longer stay
To cheer me thy love
I hope to meet with thee again
In yon bright world above.
Elisha O. Brewer
February 2, 1852 – August 5, 1883
I found a W. T. Block article, to which I will leave a link at the bottom of this blog, telling the story of Elisha O. Brewer. After visiting the deathly ill mayor of Beaumont, C. C. Caswell, Elisha had been unharnessing his wagon when his horse had kicked him in the groin. Elisha died a short time later. He was 31.
C.C. is buried on the hill at Magnolia Cemetery near Robert Kidd. The life of Mr. Kidd is another interesting story Judy Linsley shares during our Annual Cemetery Tour in October. Robert lived to be 116 years old, and family tradition states that he had farmed his land by himself until he was nearly 100.
I guess the “convenience” of Mary Brewer burying her husband on their land isn’t the only recorded history of that area. Sebron Berry was also buried on what was his land, at Smith Bluff near the Neches River, which is now Sunoco. However, his grave may have been part of a bigger cemetery, compared to the lone grave of Mr. Brewer. Yet another cemetery in this area, the Sparks Cemetery, was located on Dupont land. The 30 graves were moved in the 1950s to Forest Lawn Cemetery in Beaumont before Dupont built its refinery. I know this because I researched this cemetery back in 2013.
2013 was the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Sabine Pass, and a big event commemorated the battle. Knowing the story of Kate Dorman and the two Sarahs, I of course wanted to find the two Sarahs. I know where Kate is. She’s in Sabine Pass, and I did find Sarah Ann King Court, who was buried in Sparks Cemetery but is now in Forest Lawn. I never found out where Sarah Vosburg is because I think she had left the area. If you’ve never heard of Kate Dorman and the two Sarahs, I’ll leave a few links to the works of W. T. Block. The three women had turned Kate’s hotel into a makeshift hospital to treat those with yellow fever during the Civil War.
Well, that’s it for this week, but be sure to stay tuned to the Facebook page. On the 28th, I’ll be sharing a special post on Susie Spindletop.
I won’t research a family just for fun, especially if I’m not interested. Throughout my studies, I have mostly investigated individuals, not whole families. Wait a moment—that’s a lie! I have looked into the Kishi, Kondo, Rowley, and Norvell families because of what I found in terms of history. I’d say that the Rowley family research is second to the Stratton family research, which I will present to you below, as a result of many triggers. Gene was the initial spark. I went down many rabbit holes to trace her short life history. Then, it was her father’s untimely demise. Thanks to a family member, I found out about the story of Vera (Dido) and her brother Jerry, who were local musicians. They made George Jones, the “Possum,” write about them in his autobiography.
Last week, while searching for more information about Louise Stratton, I came across a census from 1880 that contained all the Stratton family members: Asa (the father), Louisa (the mother), Emily (the oldest sibling), Berta (the middle sibling), and Louise, who was three years younger than Berta. I may have seen this mentioned once in my more than twelve years of research on Florence Stratton, but I’ve never found the smoking gun to make my historical work accurate. To digress a bit, I never met the historian Bill Quick, but he is definitely in my head when I’m studying something, and everything I find is analyzed based on his rule. You must have at least three sources to paint an accurate picture of what is happening. I believe it wasn’t a coincidence that I attended my first Jefferson County Historical Commission meeting in 2012, a year from the day he passed. Mr. Quick had a plan to be accurate in his research, and if I’m bringing up the rear in his absence, then that’s what I will do!
My research on Florence Stratton has shifted from her to her mother and father. In her father’s newspaper archives, I still haven’t found substantial information on Louisa, but I did discover more on Berta, including census pages and city directories concerning where she lived. Unfortunately, Berta was invalid (like Louise), and she died in 1902. As far as I know, Florence did not speak about her or Louise in Susie Spindletop’s Weekly Letter, which was published in The Beaumont Enterprise from February 28, 1926, to January 23, 1938. This is an epic find, but further research on the family is required.
Regarding Florence’s story, a master researcher—we’ll call her Kate H.—found a map of railroad stops in Texas from 1908. This haunts me a bit, but I was glad to learn that Florence’s niece, Eunice Stephens, was right when she said that a town had been named after her aunt in an interview in the 1980s. It wasn’t really a town, though; it was a railroad stop. Still, Florence Switch did exist. It had nothing to do with Florence in Texas, north of Austin. I’ll give Eunice kudos for this.
I wasn’t going to get into this, but since my whole feed has been yelling about the upcoming snow/ice/freeze/rainmageddon, I want to put my tinfoil hat on and rile you up even more. Forget that the government is releasing something via the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program and that there are drones in Orange County peeking into people’s rear windows. I want to talk about the fact that recently, every time it has snowed, we’ve had a hurricane. Actually, we’ve had one before and after the snow, so I have no idea what the future holds.
Growing up, there were a few times when it snowed, but they only closed the school because the heater wasn’t working. I’m not going to give a shout-out to the nuns or any other Peace Corps teacher at St. James because I hated that school. The only time I enjoyed being there was when I was in first grade and we had to sit in the hallway with the seventh graders. Bad weather ensued, and the seventh graders were crying that their homes had been destroyed by a tornado. Nothing major happened that day, and I made fun of those seventh graders. Yes, I was probably an a-hole, but I was in first grade!
I remember when it snowed on Christmas Eve, 2004. The cat was elated, but he wasn’t that happy when we evacuated on September 22, 2005. He lived through Rita, and when I came back, he had a girlfriend and kittens. I couldn’t catch him when we evacuated, but he found an alternative home for his family.
I also remember when it snowed in December of 2008. I remember this because I laid sod at an undisclosed government facility (we’ll call it MARAD). Of course, no one watered it, but we did get a considerable amount of snow around that time, which did the job. Thank you, mother nature, and not the government! On a side note, this week, during the US National Weather Service briefing for Lake Charles, Louisiana, I saw someone post that we are in the “snow cone of uncertainty!” Sometimes, I watch the briefings just for the comments.
I found out more about the spring cemetery tour this week, and there will be alcohol. So, stay tuned!
Stay safe this week. I hope that the snow cone of uncertainty doesn’t do too much damage.
Until next week, I yearn for Mr. Heat Miser to bless us again because his brother, Mr. Snow Miser, sucks!
I hope everyone is thawing out from last week’s arctic blast. Thankfully, it was a non-event here, but it was pretty nasty from the Texas panhandle to North Carolina. As I said before, I’d take a hurricane over any storm with ice or snow in it. To me, jacket weather is anything under 67 degrees, so take that as you will.
One positive side to the cold weather (besides the white beans and tamales smelling up the house) was my ability to finish digitizing a year’s worth of research, and boy, was it a mixture of both Southeast-Texas and World-War-II history. I also had a lot of entries from Find a Grave and of people that I had to struggle to find why I was looking them up in the first place. This happens when someone contacts the Jefferson County Historical Commission (JCHC) because they saw a headstone on their new property or they drove by a property they’ve driven by for years and thought they were passing a cemetery, and then someone moved all the stones into a pile. These inquiries are taken seriously, and we get a couple of them yearly.
Most of the time, some headstones are discarded because the family has purchased another for their plots. This, at least, has usually been the case while I have been Cemetery Chair at the JCHC. I don’t know the etiquette of how to discard an old headstone, but a few years back, Magnolia Cemetery had an erosion problem around Babyland (a section for buried infants), so they used some of the discarded stones to help stop the erosion. This is a great idea to me, but if you are not in the know, and have no idea what is happening and are concerned you usually contact 12NewsNow instead of inquiring if there is a problem at the cemetery. “Of course, the graves are falling in Brakes Bayou. Film at 10.” Shout out to Gene Tuck! A blast from the past. I wonder if he still rides dirt bikes, but I digress.
We had someone contact the JCHC early last year about a possible incident of cemetery desecration on Moore Road near Sour Lake Road. Apparently, someone put a considerable number of old discarded headstones on a property in rows, and they were there for at least a few years because some people I talked to thought it was a cemetery. One day, someone drove by and saw they were all in a pile. Thinking that the owner was desecrating a cemetery, they contacted us. We thanked the person for the call because it is not beyond someone in our history to do this. Luckily, these were discarded stones. We traced them to Magnolia Cemetery. Most were from Section Seven, but all were accounted for. I have no idea who owned the property and decided years ago to place a fake cemetery on their property, but I do know that with all the land for sale on that road, no one wants the burden of dealing with a cemetery, fake or real. Ask a realtor!
A few cemeteries here in Jefferson County are abandoned, and some are even under concrete. W.T. Block wrote about a cemetery in Port Neches on Dearing and Rachford, the owner of which bulldozed the headstones in the 1940s. I believe Block because he was really pissed off when he wrote the article. He had just returned from the “European campaign” (World War II) and found the headstones removed and the graves under a slab.
Another cemetery that has been lost to time is the La Blue cemetery, which may have been a part of Spell Cemetery on Caswell Road. It is located between Spell Cemetery and the Dupont Credit Union (yes, under the highway). When you drive north over the LNVA Canal, you are driving over a cemetery under Highway 69-96-287. There is no record of burial removals. I will leave a link to an article I did on the Lewis Cemetery located somewhere between 19th and 23rd streets in the Calder addition. It also has been forgotten, and its were-a-bouts unknown.
During my research, which I digitized last week, I also came upon two articles from 1903 and 1910. The 1903 article stated that there were two coffins uncovered on Washington Street and Jefferson Street while a sewer line was being put in. (Washington Street is no longer a street. It was replaced with a railroad track.) The journalist wrote that this may have been the location of Robinson Cemetery, “which went out of commission in 1869 or 1870.” The 1910 article was more extravagant. The old cemetery was thought to be someone from the pirate Jean Lafitte’s gang. (Note: the pirate Jean Lafitte and his men are thought to be buried in this county and Orange County. I call B.S. If you disagree, then show me the money! Whether he died in France, Honduras, or an apartment in Los Angeles, I don’t care.) Argh!
A week later, I found another article stating that the land was a burial site used during the Civil War. Since then, there have been discussions of just how many people were buried there because of wounds inflicted during the Battle of Sabine Pass or from the yellow fever (“yellow Jack”). Some say 100, others say 500. I doubt we will ever know. I’ll leave a link to an article written by Judith Linsley about this cemetery and how historian Bill Quick found out the real story of Union Navy Lieutenant Robert Rhodes’s fate at the Battle of Sabine Pass. Also, I want to give a shout-out to Bitsy for reminding me of this history a couple of weeks back. You are missing out if you are not a Facebook follower of BeaumontTexasHistoryBits.
“Susie Spindletop’s Weekly Letter” was a permanent fixture each Sunday morning in the Beaumont Enterprise. There were a few occasions when Florence Stratton missed a week or two while traveling, but for the most part, Beaumonteers looked forward to reading about the gossip of their neighbors, or even themselves. In January of 1929, though, it was not good month for Florence. On January 9, she lost her sister Louise after being ill for several months. Then, on January 14, she lost who I consider to be her best friend, Willie Cooper Hobby, wife of W.P. Hobby. Needless to say, there was no new “Weekly Letter” from January 6 to February 3.
I’ve never found much information on Louise other than that she had been sickly all her life. She lived with her mother, Louisa, and father, Asa Stratton, until her mother’s death in 1895. After that, it seems she lived at different times with her older sister Emily and her husband, Walter Stevens, her sister Florence, and her father and new stepmother, Ina Smith Stratton.
I’ve stepped away from this research for a year now and believe it is time to jump back in. My goal this year, for what it’s worth, is to look into the Stratton family, particularly Louise and her mother, Louisa Waldman Stratton. To be continued.
As for Willie Copper Hobby, I’ll have something to say about her on the 14th.
Well, it’s a new year, and it’s a new me! Are they still saying that? I’m not new, and I probably smell like Reed Timmer’s chase car. If you watched the video from last week, Reed complained about mold in his Subaru Forester. He blamed it on the Hurricane Milton chase in Florida, but what do you expect when you drive your Subaru on the coast of Florida just in time to meet the eye of a hurricane? In January, many people set out to do new things but give up two weeks later. I’ve done it, and so have you. Be honest! But I think that eating black-eyed peas, corn bread, and cabbage somehow makes it right—or maybe not. You be the judge.
Last week, I mentioned that I was digitizing and organizing my historical research files. Some of these files contain considerable material about people I’ve never met as a researcher and member of the Jefferson County Historical Commission (JCHC). Still, I honor and cherish this information because some of these people have passed. One of them is Mildred Wright. Some of you may remember her as the Cemetery Lady. Her research went beyond my meager input for the cemetery chair position at the JCHC. She wrote three books on the cemeteries of Jefferson County, which you can download for free from the JCHC website. I’ll leave a link at the end of this post.
During the last week of 2024, I spent a few good hours in Section 19 of Magnolia Cemetery. Back in May, I was contacted by a person who lives out of town who wanted someone to clean their family’s headstones. There are three of these, and since I’m usually haunting Magnolia, I agreed. There is an etiquette to cleaning headstones, especially in the world of the Texas Historical Commission (THC). I will get into this in a moment, but first I want to explain how I clean headstones: I spray D/2 Biological Solution on them and go away. I do not scrub, nor use any other cleaner. Yes, it takes months longer than using a pressure washer, but this way, the headstone remains intact as there is no abrasion. Sure, you can use a soft brush if need be, but the main goal is to clean the stone without doing any harm to it.
If you are interested in cleaning headstones, you should know that you will not become a hero to those who care about cemetery preservation by pressure washing and cloroxing everything you see. Doing this is wrong, and you must have permission from the families. As far as the gray area in this scenario is concerned, if you see a headstone with lichen on it and accidentally spray it with D/2, the result will be that people may be able to read it a hundred years from now. Actually, the gray area is that in most cases, the older headstones have no one left to take care of them, or the families no longer care. So, what are we to do when lichen grows on a headstone and makes the name and dates illegible? You spray it with D/2 and say oops (this is not recommended by the THC). I understand what the THC is worried about: We have yahoos entering cemeteries with heavy equipment and their views of what preservation is because they read a blog post or watched a few YouTube videos—I digress. In this case, I will always go rogue because 1) I have common sense and 2) I want to preserve the old stones to remember who they are for.
In other news, we may have a cemetery workshop in February with the THC. Stay tuned!
My end-of-year visit to Magnolia Cemetery wasn’t just to clean headstones. A friend of mine has been very busy with a project there that some of us began a few years ago. The project wanted to recognize all the veterans in Magnolia. Initially, we only had a few names; then, my friend (we’ll call him Don S.) took it upon himself to walk the rows of the cemetery to find those who served. He is on a mission to find every veteran in Magnolia. However, the birth and death dates on a headstone simply coincide with war or peace times; the stone doesn’t tell you if someone served.
I want to ask you a favor. If you have a loved one buried at Magnolia who was a veteran and whose headstone has no mention of their service, please email me at It will also be helpful if you tell me which section they are in. We want them remembered!
Until next week.
Today’s weather report mentions tornado watches. Don’t go fishing in Stanolind Reservoir or any other fishing spot while an EF3 tornado travels from Brazoria County to Lake Sabine. I don’t care how good the fishing is. Your best friend and your dog will thank you.
It’s been a while, and I know I’ve been a bit of a slacker, but sometimes you get in a rut and have to deal with what life throws your way in the moment and let history wait. Well, my research history has been waiting for over a year for an update, so I’ve been working on my research database. Frankly, I’m tired of looking at piles of documents covering every table in my office, and I know my better half is too.
Update: Most of my research papers are digitized, and I’m down to just one pile. This will allow me to spread the joy of tax season across all my other tables—but I digress!
Another bit of news that has kept me from my unpaid endeavors is a new addition to the family. Yes, Erzsébet is a big sister. In this blog, the “new” addition will be referred to as the Laddie until he is old enough to protest my choice of name to honor his Scottish heritage. I look forward to seeing these two grow up together over time.
During my absence, I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube. One particular person who has piqued my interest is an old favorite: storm chaser Reed Timmer. I’ve always been interested in weather, and while I’ve never officially run around chasing tornadoes, I do have some history with hurricanes. (I also have a history of filming lightning on a roof with a camcorder, but I was in my 20s, and amazingly, there was no alcohol involved. I know there is video footage, though.)
Earlier this year, I saw that Reed had a live stream during Hurricane Milton’s landfall in Florida. I’m particurely interested in a hurricane making landfall in Florida because my brother-in-law lives there. A three-hour live stream turned out to be a blessing in disguise for Florida because Milton weakened rapidly, resulting in minor damage from what could have been a disastrous situation. To put this into perspective, Hurricane Milton’s winds reached 180 mph off the north coast of Mexico.
After that, I began to revisit some videos of his chases in Oklahoma, including a few seasons of the Storm Chasers series on Discovery Plus. Most of the time, I shake my head and wonder why this guy isn’t dead. And that thought brought me back to 2013 when Tim Samaras died during the El Reno, Oklahoma, tornado. Tim was the exact opposite and basically felt that safety came before the glory of getting data on an incoming storm, but that particular storm expanded and injured a lot of chasers and killed some residents. There’s a book about Tim, and I’ll leave a link at the bottom of this blog because if you’re into this type of information, it gives a good perspective on how the evolution of data accumulation.
Okay, I’m done geeking out about the history of weather, so I’ll move on to Reed Timmer’s livestream on Thursday evening in Liberty County. I’ll leave a link to it. It was fun to watch because, yes, he actually did get into an EF0 tornado on the ground, and he was yelling a lot, but on the live stream, you could follow him on Google Maps and locals could figure out where he was and follow his progress. The live stream ended at the intersection of College and I-10, with his phone inputting the coordinates for L’Auberge Casino Resort. Great choice!
On Saturday’s live stream, Reed said that areas near the coast would experience big supercells. As of Saturday morning, I thought Louisiana was going to be toast, but then we had a repeat of 2020 and 2021. A supercell born in Brazoria County continued through Chambers and Jefferson counties, producing a much bigger tornado than the usual water spouts in this coastal area.
Shout out to 12Newsnow KBMT for their live coverage: Patrick Vaughn, Jordan Williams, and Jeremiah Stewart! Love the radar.
I’m tired and have a headache as I write this, but luckily, there are no more warnings out, so we can relax.
This week’s blog will be short and maybe sweet, but who knows—Hurricane Erzsébet is currently ravaging my office, and the damage a three-year-old can do can be off the scale. Truth be told, I’ve dealt with a few poltergeists in my lifetime, but noisy ghosts have nothing on this kid. I digress.
On Thursday, I attended my yearly continuing education classes offered by the Texas Department of Agriculture, or as I call them: Hangin’ with Aggies at Doggett Ford Park. I used Zoom last year because I could, but this year I had no choice but to attend in person. The last time I was there, I nearly froze to death; then, I had to give a lecture at the McFaddin-Ward House Museum in the evening. That was not a good day for me.
This year, I talked with one of the speakers over lunch, and he noticed my USS Texas hat. He told me that his father was a dive-bomber pilot on the USS Yorktown. This was the conversation I wanted to have from then on; however, unfortunately, we changed rooms, and the topic was not World War II ships. The topics were the life of a fire ant and why this new imported fly is making his/her (sorry, I don’t do pronouns well) head explode. I will say that this was an interesting class, but I’m always up for a talk about the greatest generation.
Saturday was a special day for the Chambers House Museum on Calder Avenue in Beaumont. The house, which is run by the Beaumont Heritage Society, received and dedicated a historical marker from the Texas Historical Commission. I’m sure that both Ruth and Florence Chambers would have been proud. Heck, Papa and Edith would also have been ecstatic. This family has an excellent story. You must visit the house. It’s my favorite one in Beaumont.
Until next week here’s some more Chambers House reads from the archives.
Chambers House Museum (2012)
It was a festive mood at the Chambers House last Friday evening. In celebration of what would have been Florence Chambers’ 100th birthday, we partied like it was 1929! And what fun we had going back in time.
As the guests made their way up the porch toward the front door, one could not help but notice the black, orange, and gold streamers hanging from the porch lights, along with an array of flowers in planter boxes.
Upon entering, we were immediately greeted by the delightful Homer Chambers who welcomed us to his daughter’s 17th birthday celebration. In the background, the Charleston could be heard along with the numerous dancing partygoers who were already in full swing.
This re-enactment of Florence’s 1929 birthday party could not have been better. Not only were the guests given a tour by the docents, but a live peek at history as well. All the actors portraying the Chambers family did a wonderful job! Most of the cast were from the Beaumont Community Players, with the exception of two who were the Beaumont Heritage Society’s own.
After the tour, guests were treated to refreshments of cake and punch. (Note: I still dream of that cake.)
The Chambers House, built in 1906, provides my favorite tour in Southeast Texas. There is a story here worth telling, and I would urge all to take the tour of this fantastic house and its even more fascinating occupants.
I had a great night and hope that Ruth, Papa, Mama, and Florence looked on with the same vigor. I believe their spirits were present at this celebration. Life was good in 1929.
Homer Chambers Funeral (2022)
Back in 2015, the Beaumont Heritage Society did its annual Florence Chambers birthday celebration. Florence was born in 1912 and lived in the same house her whole life. As I’ve said before, this house/museum is my favorite because it’s a house that we could live in without millions of dollars. The story of the two sisters—Ruth and Florence—is an excellent historical view of women succeeding in life at a time when most said they couldn’t function unless they were married. Visit the museum, take the tour, and enjoy their story.
That year, the actor who played Homer Chambers (Papa) couldn’t attend the event, so they decided to reenact the funeral of Papa Chambers. Broussard’s Funeral Home provided the casket, and the event went well. I even have a photo of the ghostly images of a few women walking in the background in a time-lapse. I saw at the time that the picture looked ghostly, and I even asked a friend who knew the Chambers sisters to look at it. I said, “Hey, this could be the Chambers sisters,” but she shut me down immediately, responding, “Not in those heels!” Reenactor problems, but gold to me. Everyone did a great job that night, as they do every year.
I’ve had quite a few days off work these past few weeks. I mentioned last week that I couldn’t attend the Wings Over Houston airshow because I was having an ongoing issue with my landing gear. It’s nothing major; I just have a problem walking on uneven ground and long distances. This is a problem at Ellington field, and I knew there was no way I could get around without a golf cart. (Shout out to Magnolia Cemetery for providing golf carts for our tour two weeks ago because I was in the same predicament.)
This week I’ve been going through my books, etc., as part of a fall clean. There are a few books that I’ve purchased at estate sales just to save them, and Friday I decided to donate a few to the Tyrrell Historical Library and our own Jefferson County Historical Commission’s library. The American Heritage books found a good home at Tyrrell library, while the East Texas Historical Journal I purchased years ago went to the JCHC. There are a lot of good articles in these publications, and I copied the good stuff because that’s what you do when doing research. You are a researcher first and not an investor. Copies are best, although I cherish my autographed copy of the Story of Beaumont by Florence Stratton.
It’s that spooky time of year again. I did see the video and Beaumont Enterprise article of Tessa Noble’s journey down Bragg Road. That road is definitely spooky, and there is a light, but what it is I don’t know. Back in the 1980s, I investigated what, but my findings were inconclusive, as you can see in the article below, where I wrote about my experiences.
My last venture into the spooky realm might have been eerie, but Bragg Road has always been much more so, mainly because I have seen the light, so to speak. In the late 80s, a few friends and I frequented the sandy eight-mile road, which runs between Highways FM 787 and FM 1293 near the town of Saratoga. Located in the heart of the Big Thicket, one could definitely lose oneself in the pitch blackness of the forest. Except for the single light that mysteriously shines on occasion. But what is this all about? Let’s delve into the history of this lonely road.
In 1902, the Santa Fe railroad cut a line through the dense thicket between Saratoga and Bragg. These tracks were needed for hauling oil from the Saratoga oilfields, along with logs and cattle. For a long time, just one trip per day to Beaumont and back seemed to be enough to progress this wilderness into civilization. However, perhaps inevitably, the wilderness won, and the city of Bragg is all but forgotten.
In 1934, the tracks were removed, leaving behind a sandy road, which was used mostly by hunters who inadvertently kept the thicket from reclaiming it. It was around this time that some began seeing a strange light. (Note: In the book, Tales from the Big Thicket by Francis E. Abernethy, there was one sighting of the light even before the tracks were removed.)
So, what is behind this strange light that has been seen for nearly 80-plus years? The most common story is that a railroad man was decapitated in a train wreck, so now he holds a lantern high while he looks for his head. Other explanations include a Mexican cemetery where a foreman, rather than pay his road crew, killed them, and kept the money. They were swiftly buried. Now, their restless spirits haunt the road.
Whatever the source, there is a light on that darkened stretch. Skeptics will tell you that it is a reflection from car lights, but that would not explain the earlier sightings when there were few cars traveling down or near the road. Furthermore, the old Model T’s headlights wouldn’t have shined brightly enough. Another possibility is swamp gas. I could entertain this theory because of an investigation I was part of 25 years ago.
In the late 80s, I made numerous trips to Bragg Road. The first was a day trip, and my friends Bryan and Hector tagged along. I only mention this because, after being unsuccessful in identifying the road, we stopped at a store in Saratoga where Hector asked a lady where Bragg Road was. She explained how to get there and asked why we were looking for the road. Without pause, Hector explained we were going to a friend’s house that was located on the road. The lady grinned and wished us well. We found the road and traveled down all eight miles without ever seeing a house or any sign of life. We had a good laugh over this.
My second trip down Bragg Road was a night-time journey alone. On that trip, I saw nothing, only the blackness of the thicket. Fortunately, my next jaunt into the forest with friends paid off, and we saw the light. When standing on the tracks, it looked like an oncoming train. However, much as we tried, we could never get close to it. The light would flicker and then disappear.
On another occasion, Paul Newman (note: not the actor turned racecar driver turned salad-dressing king) and I undertook an investigation to find out just what the light was. We started by removing all evidence of tire tracks at the entrance to the sandy road, followed by all three turnarounds. We figured that if we saw a light, then we would have some idea if it were from a vehicle traveling down the road or something else. As the night progressed, we saw the light several times, but only one vehicle, other than ours, passed down the road. We checked each turnaround and found only one set of tracks. Our investigation ended without a clear answer as to the source of the light, or if it were indeed paranormal. However, we concluded that the light, at the very least, was not from a vehicle.
Usually, when I go down that road, I see the light, except on nights when there is a full moon. Although the light seems to be far off, I have talked to people who know people who have seen the light close up. Sadly, I have never personally met anyone who has done so, and I have not been privileged to witness it in close proximity. So, please take the last statement as is.
If you’re ever along the FM 787 or FM 1293 and want a thrill, just turn onto that dark sandy road. You may just see that ghostly train headlight coming toward you. And what a sight it will be.
A brand-new historical marker from the Texas Historical Commission will be dedicated next Saturday November 9 at 2240 Calder Ave in Beaumont. Some might know this address as the Chambers House Museum. You would be right! My favorite historic house in Beaumont is getting state recognition, as it should. The Chambers House began my journey into Southeast Texas history (SETX) in 2012 and love the family’s history. Thanks to the Jefferson County Historical Commission and the Beaumont Heritage Society for this. The dedication ceremony will take place from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Hope to see you there!
Seventy years ago today, Godzilla ゴジラ` first appeared on the big screen. Thanks to director Ishirō Honda and special effects master Eiji Tsuburaya, this franchise would span the globe for seven decades. The story of the King of the Monsters has changed through the years, but there has always been a constant flow of movies from the Toho Co., Ltd. In Japan, they produced thirty-three epic films, and as a fan of Kaijū (Strange Beast) movies, I tend to look upon these movies with fond memories.
As a child, I grew up watching Captain Kangaroo, The Electric Company, and Sesame Street (Shout out to Bunny Rabbit, Morgan Freeman, and Oscar the Grouch!), but Ultraman was my go-to. Yes, the monsters in both the Godzilla films and Ultraman were in rubber suits, and there was a lot of tin foil worn, but this was something that I couldn’t get enough of. Today, I still consider the Toho Co. films to be better than Hollywood’s take on Godzilla. Of course, the newer films have CGI, and to the eye, they are way better, but…
Godzilla was never a friend to humanity. Mothra was, but we will discuss this at a later date. From the first film in 1954, Godzilla came to destroy humanity as it knew it. Probably the best movie of the franchise was released last year: Godzilla Minus One ゴジラ-1.0マイナスワ told the origins of how the monster came to be and the postwar trauma of a country that was lied to by the government and suffered the realities of its actions. Godzilla was the boogie man ready to strike, per se, and a constant reminder to those who lived through postwar Japan and watched the early films.
The Battleship Texas Foundation had a bit of a reality check this week when the Galveston Wharves Board ended the negotiations for USS Texas to moor at Pier 19. I know the foundation’s goal was to keep the ship in Galveston, and they possibly will, but not near the Elissa. The restaurants along the pier complained that it would prevent customers from seeing the waterfront. You know, the wharf that overlooks Gulf Copper shipyard. To me, this is hilarious, but who am I to comment on what some subpar elite person thinks? Charles Barkley was right! It is “dirty ass water,” and you shouldn’t get too excited about it.
If I’m going to throw out quotes here, then I have to mention this one from the movie Blazing Saddles. Yes, I’m going there! When Jim, the gunslinger (Gene Wilder), is consoling Bart, the new sheriff (Cleavon Little), he says, “What did you expect? ‘Welcome, sonny?’ ‘Make yourself at home?’ ‘Marry my daughter?’ You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… Morons.”
This quote is dedicated to those weekend Galvestonians from Houston who support USS Texas but who made it clear to me that Beaumont is worse than sad and just a drive-through city on their way to New Orleans. When they told me this, I was just a fly on the wall, and I didn’t have my Bring It to Beaumont pin, which was given to me by a friend in support of mooring the ship on the Neches River in Beaumont. But I still have the audio file of my drydock tour! Now, it looks like we are one and the same degenerates. I can live with that. You, not so much.
Although I am not a member of the Galveston Historical Foundation, I volunteer every year at the Historic Homes Tour. I will continue to do this every year as long as Bev, “the Candy Lady,” keeps asking me. I love the tour and the houses, but there is nothing else in Galveston that I really care to see apart from Kathleen Maca’s tours.
If it wasn’t for the Historic Homes Tour, I wouldn’t even go to Galveston. Well, maybe for Mama Theresa’s pizza, and Shrimp and Stuff. As for the Strand, that’s really not my thing. I will now end this episode of Where USS Texas Will End Up. It can’t stay at Gulf Copper forever, and since they threw Beaumont and Baytown under the bus, they definitely need to find another home for it. I’m sure that the $35 million that were given to the foundation by the state of Texas to make it “go away” are running out. To be continued!
The Wings Over Houston airshow was this week, and unfortunately, I could not attend. I had a problem. My wings were good to go, but my landing gear had an ongoing issue. Getting old sucks, but it is better than the alternative! Rather than walking through Ellington Field’s many mazes to get to the show, I attended Eserbet’s birthday party. For those not in the know, Eserbet is my three-year-old granddaughter. She is pretty good with a plastic knife, and she has been developing her skills with the new pew-pew gun. I feel I won’t survive her wrath in the next couple of years, but I hope she can learn the ways of the katanas in my office. Kids grow up fast!
Photo Credit: Jackson Guitars
Lately, I rediscovered Eddie Trunk on SiriusXM. For those who don’t know, Eddie has been the face of rock and metal radio shows for over 40 years. I’ve written about my musical interests before, and it is good to listen to someone who shares some of them and has seen earlier bands before they were famous. Eddie brought up the rock-n-roll Hall of Fame, and this year’s inductees, including Ozzy Osbourne, were mentioned. I will say that I’m a fan of the musicians and songwriters around Ozzy, and I’m glad that he mentioned Randy Rhoads as the springboard that launched his solo career. He was, and after Randy’s untimely death, Jake E. Lee took over as Ozzy’s guitarist. For all the fact-checkers out there, Brad Gillis was only on a live album of Black Sabbath songs Ozzy released before Bark at the Moon. And that album was all Jake’s! I will die defending this hill!
Photo Credit:
Another band I gladly think I introduced to many people in the early 1980s was Iron Maiden. I first saw them at the Beaumont Civic Center opening for the Scorpions. I’ll have to ask Mikey Mayhem if the band Girlschool opened for Maiden. Mikey remembers all this stuff better than I do because I was too busy trying to develop the standing-on-the-back-of-two-chairs technique. Ninety minutes of switching legs to stay up on those chairs to see the stage. I’m sure Richard Simmons would have been proud, but I wasn’t dancing, and this wasn’t the oldies! (It is now!)
I want to mention Iron Maiden’s early years because the tour I attended was the one for The Number of the Beast. That was their third album and the first with singer Bruce Dickinson. The two previous albums, Iron Maiden and Killers, had a different singer named Paul Di’Anno. My interest in this band was fed by my favorite record store in the Jefferson City Shopping Center—Ted’s Record Store—which sent me down many musical paths. On a side note, we all remember the jingle: “At Jeff, Jeff, Jefferson City where there’s everything under the sun!” I digress.
Photo Credit:
I learned a couple of days ago Paul Di’Anno passed. After Maiden, he had been performing and making records for forty years. He had a lot of health problems, and this year, he performed in a wheelchair because of his ailing legs. He was a trooper and performed because he had to because of a lack of funds. Rest in Peace, Paul.
Photo Credit Ego Trip Media
It’s turnip carving time, and I particularly like this season because we usually receive no visitors. Unfortunately, no one appreciates the smell of turnips! One might ask why we carve turnips around Halloween. The tradition goes back to the old countries of Ireland and England and Ye Olde Stingy Jack. Jack was not a good man; he screw up his life and afterlife. After hearing the story of Stingy Jack and his worthless life, I’d put him in either the Senate or Congress. It’s pretty bad when even the devil feels for you. I’ll leave a link to his story.
Until next time, “Up the Irons! For Paul!” He was a West Ham United fan. That is an even greater loss…